Who does not love a new handbag!! A good handbag tops off an outfit beautifully. I own a lot of handbags from mid range to designer, I have made so many handbags over the last few years many of which were helping pattern designers test their bags.

I love a lot of different types of bags from the practical to the just for fun to those for special occasions. I think you need some of everything. One thing I found I wanted was more bags that push the envelop on style. Something more cutting edge of fashion and even items you may see carried down the runway. That’s why I really wanted to start designing my own bags.

Last week I lived that dream by launching my first bag pattern. Posh Bracelet Bag. She is a small wonder. She was designed to give you that “posh” look, something a bit special that you want to wear when you don’t want the usual oversized, overwork tote but also with a crossbody so she can still be practical for running errands.

Posh is approximately 8 inches wide and 7.5 inches tall but don’t worry she can carry everything you need while on the run. I stuffed in there a small wallet, sunglasses, compact, ChapStick, sunglasses, and of course courtesy of Corona a mask. She can be made with cotton, vinyl, cork and soft leather.

Check out my testers bags and pick up your pattern here. Don’t worry more bags are coming.
If you are interested in becoming a tester for my patterns please fill out this form.
Until Next Time! Please follow me on Instagram at www.Instagram.com/lovelyforlife1 and https://www.facebook.com/Lovelyforlifedesigns
1 Comment
December 9, 2020 at 9:23 pmThis looks super neat! Wish you had more pics of it in action. I’m curious how it works on your wrist. Thanks for sharing!